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Nelson County

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    knowledge pattern, maroon
    New Day News for Nelson , article

    There is so much going on at Virginia Cooperative Extension and specifically in Nelson County that we want to share it. Click below to read and subscribe to the New Day News Nelson VCE Newsletter!

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    vce youth pattern, yellow and orange geometric shapes
    Clover and Corduroy , article

    4H and FFA groups have a long history in Nelson County and today serve our county’s youth.

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    food pattern, maroon
    Country Store , article

    COMING SOON! The Country Store is where you can find food that is grown in Nelson County, when it is available and where to find it. It’s a great way to find food in our county all year long!

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    plant agriculture pattern, teal
    Master Gardeners , article

    The Nelson County Master Gardeners is an active group that has a wealth of knowledge about horticulture in our county. They provide classes, tours and an informative Help Desk that addresses plant and insect identification and more.