Master Gardeners
The Nelson County Master Gardeners is an active group that has a wealth of knowledge about horticulture in our county. They provide classes, tours and an informative Help Desk that addresses plant and insect identification and more.
Extension Master Gardener Help Desk
Get your lawn and garden questions answered by our Extension Master Gardener Help Desk. We are available to help by email at
Visit the Nelson County Master Gardeners website here.
Become an Extension Master Gardener
Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteer educators. VCE-MGs work within their local communities to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management education and training. As an educational outreach component of Virginia Cooperative Extension, the Master Gardener program brings the resources of Virginia’s land-grant universities – Virginia Tech and Virginia State University – to the people of the Commonwealth.
After completing an application process, participants will attend a nine week training course. All volunteers are trained with at least 50 hours of horticultural classes and return at least 50 hours of volunteer community service through their local Extension office. Contact our office for dates of these events.