Unfortunately, SLF is established in Nelson county. No need to report sightings anymore. Very high call volume can overload our little local office. If you feel you need to report this pest to the local office, click here for a form to report.

Virginia Tech has a webpage with our current spotted lanternfly information, including fact sheets and information about the quarantine, see: https://ext.vt.edu/agriculture/commercial-horticulture/spotted-lanternfly.html

Control and management for Spotted Lanternfly in home and public landscapes can be found here.

Businesses that ship from spotted lanternfly infested counties to non-infested counties may need a permit. Information on spotted lanternfly from VDACS can be found here.

Our webpage for quarantine training, which is necessary to obtain a spotted lanternfly permit from VDACS, is at:

We hope this provides some of the information you're seeking.